
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Realize the REALITY!

I was thinking about this blog for a long time. Now I think this is the correct time and age to talk about the matter that I have written it here.

When I was 8 

At the age of 8, as like other kids,  my imaginations were also limitless and I always thought money grows in trees. I will be pissed off if my parents did not get anything that I want. I blamed them as if they had money and wantedly they did it to me. I guess most of the child at the age of eight will think the same.I hope everyone must have crossed this kind of situation. Thing is we were not in the situation to realize the reality. But at the age of 23, I am realizing that my parents did their best. If we think the same at the age of 23 then mistake is ours.

When I was 16
Its the age when we need to concentrate more on studies. At this age, my ambience was fully for studies, studies and studies. My parents, relations and siblings everyone used to tell me that this is the first step of your life. If you want your life to be good then go carefully on each steps. I was so organized and likable at the age of 16. I carefully succeeded at my first step but I failed in making my life very interesting. When I look back now I am realizing that I have missed many fun in my life. It is the perfect age to make real friends who can bring real colors to your life. Trust me as you get older you will make fewer friends and the innocence of the old friendships will no longer be there. You will talk mature stuff and try to hang out with your colleagues. Both are not mutually exclusive but still not the same. At the age of 23, I am realizing that how much real friendship is needed equally to money. 

At 23 
Most people wont be in their dream jobs. You will come back pissed at something that happened at work today or how your Boss thinks you are an idiot. Unless you have some activity to relax, calm your mind, make you smile again, you will really feel like shit. Start going to the gym, start writing, start learning new languages. You will be frustrated if you try to make everything right all at the same time. It is only because you think everything should occur as you planned that you become sad. Learn to let go. Accept you will always face problems. Learn to enjoy the little things nearby than the things you have no control over.You might want to travel around the world. Live an exciting life. But always remember that no matter where you go, as long as you do not have the people who matter around you, you will never be truly happy. You might think that we live a boring life doing the same thing everyday but it is still worth it because it has made your education possible and given you the facilities we never had. Think about it. We have all seen people doing over time at their office, working on things they do not enjoy to earn money they won't be able to spend. Even if we earn millions in a financial year but have no time to spend on things that matter to us then there is no point of that millions. Its the right age to create memories. Live your life as if tomorrow is not exist in your calendar. 
Realize the reality and make the reality things to memorable.


  1. Anitha : it was inspiring to read your thoughts at 4am as I was getting ready for your bussiness travel! I am thinking may be I should think about these and see if I can get around to doing my own blog
