
Tuesday 9 December 2014

Boom! I am 25 !

I'm 25. So here are the things I've learned throughout the years of my existence in this life: )

* Life is as beautiful as you make it
If you think life stinks, life will stink. Those who are always looking at the ground miss the beauty of the world above them.

* We all stink at life
We all make mistakes. We are all imperfect. And that's OK. Just get back up and dust yourself off. If anyone sees you fall just know at one point they were or will be in your same shoes.

* Success is more than money
Money is paper. When the paise fails people will be after food and resources and those who can DO things. And besides who wants money without family, friends and fun? There are things in life you can't buy … loyalty, love, trust, kindness, time. Those things you have to EARN. And when you earn it you gain more than whatever money could buy. You also gain self-love, self-respect and the knowledge of who you are and what you are worth. (And you are worth more than all the money on earth!)

* Time is non existent
You only have NOW. There is no such thing as tomorrow or yesterday. Only today. When you book an appointment or make time for something what you are really saying is:" I have to do all these things and take time for all this other stuff before I can get to that right there. So can you wait until I'm done with this person, this other appointment, this time frame and THEN I will get to that". So don't tell your loved ones you "don't have time." No one has time! You MAKE TIME.

* Giving is food for the soul
Whether it's time, money, service or a cookie, it doesn't matter. Giving is seriously FOOD for your soul. We were made for these things. And when you do give it's like your whole chemistry changes and you are happier, healthier and you see the good in life. So give! And give freely without expecting anything in return. Even though you get the greatest return of all.

Did you know you can CHOOSE to be happy? You seriously can! It doesn't matter what's happening in the world, or around you, or whatever. If you WANT to be happy you will find something to be happy about. Even simple munch can bring happiness ;) So CHOOSE HAPPINESS!

*You get what you pay for
I will pay Rs.20 for toothpaste and be fine with that. While X,  gets some healthy, organic toothpaste for maybe twice the price. For me, it's just toothpaste.

* Reading is good for you
I love reading. And you know if you read daily, you will expand your mindset. New ideas, new ways of thinking, things you never thought about before … you just need to READ. And let your mind interpret and design. I read 2 States but after watching the movie, that image of their 2 States is now stuck in my head, which I'm OK with now. Because each person sees things differently. So just READ! And let your imagination work and expand your mind.

* There is good in everyone
If they choose it. And some people won't. But that's what they decide. Just know it's there. And if you are lucky enough, you might be the one person who gets to see it.

* Don't make promises you can't keep
If you say "I'm gonna wake up at 6 a.m." Then you better get up at 6 a.m. The more you stop doing what you say you're gonna do the less likely you'll keep ANY promises because you can't even trust yourself. It becomes easier to say, "nope, I'm sleeping in," and lying to yourself.

* You are never alone
You are NEVER alone. And if you ever feel that way, send me a message and let me prove you wrong. I mean, help you out.


  1. i dont think that we should think about everything like a J.K, SUGABODHANANDA, etc,,, but we have to feel the differences that what we has in ourself....some feels!! ( if we can to express....then ....its may not be expressible.
