
Sunday 22 September 2013

Raise for Praising !!

In day-to-day life we are seeing many things and we come across many thing that requires appreciation. But we are not even praising those things. If we praise on small things we will be happy because we are making others to be happy. The impact of praising is that we are encouraging others to do more.Let me clarify it with simple examples.

If you have maid in your home, How many times have you praised her ? Have you prasied her alteast once ? Though she is not good enough at her work just tell her that you have done a great job. It will motivate her to do better than the previous work. After that she will take care of her work and she will do it perfectly. Just start praising her.

If your son/daughter has done small thing, just praise them. We know that its just very small thing according to us. But it is very big thing to them because they have tried it for first time. What ever we tried for the first time will be the big thing. From our side it will be just praising but on the other it will be big motivation to do proceed further. Dont tell them that its not good and you need to improve. Just tell them that Its so good and you can do it much more better than this. Both the above sentence are for praising. But the way we are praising always matters. Praise the people in such a way that it will motivate them.

If your colleague has cleared your doubts, just tell them that you have done a great job and its a great help. You might have known that answer and you may think that answer is well known. But that small encouragement will motivate them to dig that question more. If you start praising them continuously, your colleague will start learning. Just single praise will motivate others to learn.

An interesting aspect about praise is the chemical reaction it causes in us. Research shows that when we hear something we like, a burst of dopamine is released in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and it's associated with feelings of joy, pride, satisfaction, and well-being.

When you praise someone else, not only does that person feel great, but it leads them to experience that same feeling again. Giving praise cements good working habits and behavior, both chemically and intellectually.

Deliberately start appreciating small and big things in your life, things you are grateful for. Know that we treat others the way we treat ourselves. Make peace with yourself, be kind to yourself, and gradually you will feel the shift happening, you will stop enjoying criticizing others, instead you'd start enjoying seeing good things in them, positive traits you'd have otherwise missed, plus when we uplift others, we do the same for ourselves. Soon you'd be a positive influence in their life. We teach best through example, by being the inspiration we wish others would receive in their life.