
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Realize the REALITY!

I was thinking about this blog for a long time. Now I think this is the correct time and age to talk about the matter that I have written it here.

When I was 8 

At the age of 8, as like other kids,  my imaginations were also limitless and I always thought money grows in trees. I will be pissed off if my parents did not get anything that I want. I blamed them as if they had money and wantedly they did it to me. I guess most of the child at the age of eight will think the same.I hope everyone must have crossed this kind of situation. Thing is we were not in the situation to realize the reality. But at the age of 23, I am realizing that my parents did their best. If we think the same at the age of 23 then mistake is ours.

When I was 16
Its the age when we need to concentrate more on studies. At this age, my ambience was fully for studies, studies and studies. My parents, relations and siblings everyone used to tell me that this is the first step of your life. If you want your life to be good then go carefully on each steps. I was so organized and likable at the age of 16. I carefully succeeded at my first step but I failed in making my life very interesting. When I look back now I am realizing that I have missed many fun in my life. It is the perfect age to make real friends who can bring real colors to your life. Trust me as you get older you will make fewer friends and the innocence of the old friendships will no longer be there. You will talk mature stuff and try to hang out with your colleagues. Both are not mutually exclusive but still not the same. At the age of 23, I am realizing that how much real friendship is needed equally to money. 

At 23 
Most people wont be in their dream jobs. You will come back pissed at something that happened at work today or how your Boss thinks you are an idiot. Unless you have some activity to relax, calm your mind, make you smile again, you will really feel like shit. Start going to the gym, start writing, start learning new languages. You will be frustrated if you try to make everything right all at the same time. It is only because you think everything should occur as you planned that you become sad. Learn to let go. Accept you will always face problems. Learn to enjoy the little things nearby than the things you have no control over.You might want to travel around the world. Live an exciting life. But always remember that no matter where you go, as long as you do not have the people who matter around you, you will never be truly happy. You might think that we live a boring life doing the same thing everyday but it is still worth it because it has made your education possible and given you the facilities we never had. Think about it. We have all seen people doing over time at their office, working on things they do not enjoy to earn money they won't be able to spend. Even if we earn millions in a financial year but have no time to spend on things that matter to us then there is no point of that millions. Its the right age to create memories. Live your life as if tomorrow is not exist in your calendar. 
Realize the reality and make the reality things to memorable.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Letter vs Mail

Technology has changed a lot in this society. Though many things have changed we cant forget and we cant feel the feel of old things in new things. Old is gold always. In that changes mail has been also involved.
Now-a-days even 9th standard student has mail id. Most of people knows how to access mails. It becomes very important to everyone life. Mail has their own advantage. You can do many things in mail like sending some attachment etc..I will not say that mail is not important and we should not use mails. It occupies very important role in our life. Within a second we can reach anyone and it doesn't matter where they are. you can reach any corner in this world through mails.But something is there missing in mails.Yes, Flavor is missing. Originality is missing.Liveliness is missing.
In letter you can easily express your feelings.Smell of ink will give you the feel that you wont get in mails. In mails you can change the font but it will never trounce your handwriting.You know you can add smileys in mail but will it give the feel of what you draw in letter to express your love? Mail can't give the odor of paper. The way you scratch the paper when you write something wrong will not happen in mails. You can do under strike in mails but still it will never give that feel of under strike that you do in paper.Letter will not reach immediately to your loved ones. You can't imagine the feel during the time that letter will take reach.
Yeah, Stop writing mails to your dear ones. Start writing and start expressing your love through letter.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Giving respect is based on AGE or STATUS ??

From the topic itself you can suggest what I am going to discuss here.Very frequently this question is coming up to my mind .

I am not a story teller so dont worry I will not start with the sentence of One fine morning :p. I am living in a IT city. Like others I also came here for my job. Usually people will come here with a lot of dreams and passion. I came here just because of my fate. My impressions on this city is very hot , people are not good here, and you cant survive here for a long time.

I started to hate this city on my first day itself. I stepped down at this city A at 5 am. Luckily I have relatives here and they came to pick up me. I have to change two bus to reach my office from my relative place. I got into share auto to get down at bus stop. I was really shocked to see that share auto. Its just an auto which has the capacity of 4 people. But its carrying 8 people.3 girls were already sitting inside an auto including me. One old man OM1, actually he looks little descent. From his appearance you can judge him that he is not poor but he is respectable. He came to our auto where we were sitting and wanted to get in. Suddenly one girl who was sitting inside told him to go and sit nearer to the driver . He had no other option and he sat on that place which was nearer to driver. Next stop came. Another old man OM2 came with professional look. The girl one who rejected OM1 now allows OM2 to sit next to her. I was wondering that both of OM1 and OM2 are more or less in same age. May be the status are different. But giving respect is based on age isn’t ? . The way she looks OM1 and OM2 was totally different.

I got down from an auto, got down from bus1 and I got into bus 2.One old lady got into bus2 with fruits basket. From her appearance we can judge her that she is a fruit selling woman. Yeah, she waas not good loooking. she wore very poor quality sarree.She looked very innnocent. On the way to my office I suppose to cross one toll gate. Next to toll gate there was a bus stop. That old lady is waiting for the bus stop to get down which is next to toll gate. Toll gate came and driver was getting ticket in the lane from the passengers. Conductor started shouting at that old lady to get down there in the lane itself. She was not understanding anything. She told that no, no I have to get down at stop. Conductor started yelling at her that this bus wouldn't stop there. Due to conductor the old lady got down there itself with the basket. Bus moved and next bus came in to that lane. She suffered a lot to move out from that lane.But actually bus stopped there in the next stop. What is the reason for this? . Is it necessary to yell at her in this situation. Conductor should have to give respect to that old lady isn’t ? . If that old lady is there with descent look, if she wore good dress , then what would be the conductor response at this situation ? I am damn sure conductor might have given respect. So , now-a-days giving respect is based on status not an age. Is it good for our future generation ? Seriously our society is in bad shape.

This is all my perception. There are some good people here in the same city. I don't blame them. It is for the people who are doing like this.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Java HEAP in Deep and dont Sleep!!

When I started java programming I didnt know what is Heap? I started learning Java concepts without knowing where its all getting saved in memory.
Its happens with most of programmer because learning language is easy but learning basics is difficult since there is no formal process which can teach you every basics of programming its experience and work which reveals the secret of programming.This post is mainly for beginners who are learning java. One thing I would suggest is first learn java concepts after that dig deeply about where its getting saved. If you started with heap you will get so many doubts about concepts. For Example, you should know about objects concept before learning "objects will be saved in heap memory" else you wont understand exact essence of object in heap.

Here are the some important things of heap that I have shared with you. Please refer other refference also.

When Java program started JVM (Hope, you know what is JVM)gets some memory from Operating system and part of that memory is called HEAP.JVM will allocate heap memory by Xms command which will tell the size required for heap. Default size of heap memory will be changed based on the bit and OS.

If heap size is not sufficient then JVM will set maximum heap memory by -xmx command.

Eg : -xmx512m. Be careful in giving "M"or "G". Single alphabet can change anything :p

When your application is ready for executing, Analyse how much heap memory is needed by your application. Then, execute the command -xms/xmx before JVM starts. Once JVM is started you cant reallocate your application heap memory.

All your objects will be saved inside heap memory. Memory is divided into 3 parts.
1) Old generated (Heap Memory)
2) New generated(Heap Memory)
3) Perm Space(Non Heap Memory)

Old Generated: Many objects will be created and saved inside the heap. Many objects might have been killed by Garbage collector. Remaining objects which are all not killed by garbage collector will be accumlated in old generated heap memory.

New Generated: Newly created object will be saved in new generated heap memory.

Perm space: Meta data about classess, method, string constant pool etc other than objects will be saved in perm space.

outofMemoryError: If your application tries to create an object and finds that there is no enough heap memory to accomadate. So, Garbage collector will run and it will free the memory of objects which are all not referenced to any memory. Objects will be created in the new generated heap memory. Though garbage collector tries to free memory , it couldnt find non referenced object. In such cases, application will throw an error called outofmemory error. Application needs some heap memory and heap memory is not enough to accomdate all those objects.

outofmemoryerror:permspace : The classloader is responsible for loading all classes in perm space. Classes will be unloaded when classloader is attacked by garbage collector. Suppose an object retain its reference the classloader which is attacked by garbage collector then it will lead to MEMEORY LEAK and shows outofmemoryerror:permspace error.

You can analyse your java heap by using some tools which is availble inside JDK. You can take snapshot of java heap at particular time called java heap dump and you can analyse it.Java heap dump will be created by using the command "jmap"."jhat: Java heap analyser tool" is available to anlayse the java heap and make use of it :)

You can also find the information of your application regarding memory during runtime by using following commands.
Runtime.totalmemory() : tells the totalmemory occupied by your application
Runtime.freememory(): tells how much free memory is availble
Runtime.MaxMemory(): tells maximum available for your application.

Use Profiler and Heap dump Analyzer tool to understand Java Heap space and how much memory is allocated to each object.

I hope the above information will be useful atleast for some extent :) Happy coding :)

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Raise for Praising !!

In day-to-day life we are seeing many things and we come across many thing that requires appreciation. But we are not even praising those things. If we praise on small things we will be happy because we are making others to be happy. The impact of praising is that we are encouraging others to do more.Let me clarify it with simple examples.

If you have maid in your home, How many times have you praised her ? Have you prasied her alteast once ? Though she is not good enough at her work just tell her that you have done a great job. It will motivate her to do better than the previous work. After that she will take care of her work and she will do it perfectly. Just start praising her.

If your son/daughter has done small thing, just praise them. We know that its just very small thing according to us. But it is very big thing to them because they have tried it for first time. What ever we tried for the first time will be the big thing. From our side it will be just praising but on the other it will be big motivation to do proceed further. Dont tell them that its not good and you need to improve. Just tell them that Its so good and you can do it much more better than this. Both the above sentence are for praising. But the way we are praising always matters. Praise the people in such a way that it will motivate them.

If your colleague has cleared your doubts, just tell them that you have done a great job and its a great help. You might have known that answer and you may think that answer is well known. But that small encouragement will motivate them to dig that question more. If you start praising them continuously, your colleague will start learning. Just single praise will motivate others to learn.

An interesting aspect about praise is the chemical reaction it causes in us. Research shows that when we hear something we like, a burst of dopamine is released in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, and it's associated with feelings of joy, pride, satisfaction, and well-being.

When you praise someone else, not only does that person feel great, but it leads them to experience that same feeling again. Giving praise cements good working habits and behavior, both chemically and intellectually.

Deliberately start appreciating small and big things in your life, things you are grateful for. Know that we treat others the way we treat ourselves. Make peace with yourself, be kind to yourself, and gradually you will feel the shift happening, you will stop enjoying criticizing others, instead you'd start enjoying seeing good things in them, positive traits you'd have otherwise missed, plus when we uplift others, we do the same for ourselves. Soon you'd be a positive influence in their life. We teach best through example, by being the inspiration we wish others would receive in their life.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Smile :)

In our daily life we are seeing  many small things. But we are not knowing the impact of that small things.
Here are some examples.
You are in bus and you are getting a ticket with a smiling face. Though conductor is not in a good mood he will not shout at you. Smiling is very small thing. That will bring peace not only to you, it will bring peace to him also.
Suppose you are going to office . You smile at watch man while entering into office. From day 2 , he will smile at you though you are not smile at him. You will feel that some one is  there to welcoming you. He will also think that there is some one who can recognising him.  Simple smile will make his day.

Daily many people will come and drink coffee if your office has coffee machine. There will be a person who is in charge of changing milk and taking care of that  coffee machine. She may have other friends in the office . But at the time of break /coffee time she will be alone sitting nearer to coffee machine. If you smile at her she will be happy. Its small thing according to you. But that small thing will cherrish her. She will expect you from day2. If you are absent on some day she will ask you. You will feel that there is some one other  than collegues are noticing you. Even then its simple smile it will bring some relationship.

Small things will give big impact to us and others as well. Its better to feel than to explain. A smile costs nothing but gives much.  It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give.  It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.  None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it.  Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away.  Some people are too tired to give you a smile.  Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.

Its all about sunday and its values :)

I am the girl who doesn’t like to do shopping, who doesn’t like to go outside on Sunday’s, who doesn’t like to spend time with friends, who wants to take rest on holidays. But on Apr 7 I realized that relaxation is not only there in sleeping and taking rest. Its also there in some other things. Let me explain more in detail about what are those some other things. You will be relaxed when you speak to your friends. Those friends are need not to be your close friends, they may be your room mates or anyone. You will feel very much relaxed when you read books. Seriously,I am not telling about technical books. Its all non technical books. you will feel relaxed and you will learn many things when you read books.You will feel relaxed when you listen to the songs and do dancing for that song. It doesn't matter whether you know dance or not. But make sure that no one is there in your room while dancing :p Those are the things which will make you to feel fresh and it will segregate all bad feelings from you.

Sunday is there for that. Be relaxed and get ready for the next week mission. Some people like me are thinking that if its Sunday, sleep till the clock hits 12pm and after that take your lunch and again go to bed for rest. They are assuming that if you take full day rest then you will feel fresh. But actual fact is you will feel more tired. I have seen many people saying that "I feel sleepy since I slept for whole day". But the truth is you are getting much more tired if you sleep for more than allocated hours. Sunday is not for sleeping. Sunday is for spending time with your family and friends.

On April 7th Sunday, I was sleeping and was enjoying with my dreams. Clock hits 11am and finally I woke up due to some noise pollution which was given by my room mate who used to wake up very early at 7am. Though I woke up, I didn't get up and I was lying on the bed. I can see my friend is getting ready to go outside. She told me that all our classmates are here in bangalore and she asked me "Are you coming for the lunch that we all are going ?" obviously My answer would be NO and I told No. Then I started continuing my sleep with my dreams. Suddenly I got a call and one of my close friend(Swetha) asked me "Are you coming now for lunch ?" I have to give one book to Swetha. So I thought that this will be the good opportunity to give book and I cant go to her home just for this book. I answered "YES". After ten minutes, I reached and meet my team( classmates). We all went to gaming. we played so many games. OMG, I was happy to the core and I asked to myself "Is that me ? Am I playing games ? Am I playing games on Sunday ?"
I was more happy than any other Sunday. I changed my mind that Sunday is not only for sleep. Its for relaxation.Relaxation is no where related to sleep all the time. If you want to be relaxed then don't sleep a lot. Enjoy your moments. Laugh at loud. Be happy. Just even a single smile will make you happy and will make others to be happy.


Friday, 13 September 2013


I have shared here one of my experience. I have shared what I felt and my perception here. I might be wrong or might not be. But its all our perception and the way we are taking in. Lets go into the topic.

I finished all my work @ office on Thursday (28 March). Happily I came to my room and packed all my things because I am going home. Everything was set to go home. I was waiting for clock to hit 8′clock beacuse my bus timing is 10pm. I was planned to go little early. At 8pm, I started walking towards bus stop with all my luggage. Though luggage was not heavy, it was heavy to me.To reach bus stop I have to cross domlur bridge and from there have to walk for 2 mins. I stopped walking when I came to domlur bridge. I need to cross that bridge now. I couldn’t able to carry all those luggage. I was too tired to life my luggage. One person (its better to call him as an uncle) came to me and asked me "where do you want to go ?" How will you react when some one comes to you and ask some question in this unknown place Bangalore. Like others, I didn’t do anything. I replied,"I have to go to madiwala(My boarding point)". He said that I will help you. He took one handle of my bag and told me to take another handle of bag. I was shocked and I told him that ” uncle its OK. I will manage “. But he didn’t listen to me and he walked towards bus stand. He started interacting with me on all the way we walked. We reached bus stop. Still he didn’t leave me. Once I got into cab he left. I was very thankful to him.

When I stopped walking with my luggage everyone starred at me. No one helped me. Even If I see some one who is unable to carry their luggage I will also do the same. But this uncle came to me and helped me. Though it was small help I was impressed. If you are very sad and some one suddenly come to you and wipe your tears. Its all matter of wiping that is what we see it from outside. But the person who is sad can only understand the value of wiping tears.

So, many people hate to help others. Some people thinks to help others but they will search and wait for the opportunity. This message is for those people who are all waiting for an opportunity to help others. Don’t wait for an opportunity to come. You are seeing many things in this day today life. What ever we are doing right things will be helpful to others. For Example, If you walk left side on the road then it will be helpful to people who comes in car and other vehicle.

Opportunities are spread over the world. Grab the opportunity and use it :)

Thursday, 12 September 2013

What makes a good MENTOR!!

" Student must be taught how to think, not what to think. " -Margaret Mead.

Mentoring is a relationship between two people – the "mentor" and the "mentee." As a mentor, you pass on valuable skills, knowledge and insights to your mentee to help them develop their career.

Many people feel that being a mentor requires special skills, but mentors are simply people who have the qualities of good role models.
Mentors listen.They maintain eye contact and give mentees their full attention.
Mentors guide.Mentors are there to help their mentees find life direction, never to push them.
Mentors are practical.They give insights about keeping on task and setting goals and priorities.
Mentors educate.Mentors educate about life and their own careers.
Mentors provide insight.Mentors use their personal experience to help their mentees avoid mistakes and learn from good decisions.
Mentors are accessible.Mentors are available as a resource and a sounding board.
Mentors criticize constructively.When necessary, mentors point out areas that need improvement, always focusing on the mentee’s behavior, never his/her character.
Mentors are supportive.No matter how painful the mentee’s experience, mentors continue to encourage them to learn and improve.
Mentors are specific.Mentors give specific advice on what was done well or could be corrected, what was achieved and the benefits of various actions.
Mentors care.Mentors care about their mentees’ progress in school and career planning, as well as their personal development.
Mentors succeed.Mentors not only are successful themselves, but they also foster success in others.
Mentors are admirable.Mentors are usually well respected in their organizations and in the community.
Key things for becoming a successful mentor:

1. Willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise.

2. Demonstrates a positive attitude and acts as a positive role model.

3. Takes a personal interest in the mentoring relationship.

4. Exhibits enthusiasm in the field.

5. Values ongoing learning and growth in the field.

6. Provides guidance and constructive feedback.

7. Respected by colleagues and employees in all levels of the organization.

8. Sets and meets ongoing personal and professional goals.

9. Values the opinions and initiatives of others.

10. Motivates others by setting a good example.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Earning or learning which one is more important ? Let me discuss with startup and MNC.

When I came out of my college, people started asking questions about placements. If I say that I have placed in some startup companies people will think that I was not good at your studies. Even parents will also not understand. yeah that is the human tendency. Even friends will also think the same. If you are placed in developed companies you will earn a lot but you will learn a less comparing to startup companies.

How learning is different from startup to MNC? In startup you will feel frustate. They will give you a task and will ask you to finish it very early. In the mean time you have to put a lot of effort to learn that technology and you have to finish that task. But in MNC, that task will be divided into many pieces and will be given to many people . Finally you will be having enough time to finish it. You will have many people to ask doubts and clarify it. In startup you have to learn by yourself, no spoon feeding. In startup you will learn many things not only the technologies. In startup you can choose your path based on your interest. But in MNC, you cant choose your path, it will be fixed. You will develop your own managing skills. In startup you will be like a big fish in small pond where inMNC you are a small fish in sea.

How earning is different from MNC to startup ? In startup, you will not be sure that whether you will be getting salary for the current month or not. The may credit your salary or may not. In MNC , seperate people will be there to handle all those process. You need not to worry about anything other than the work you have been allocated. In MNC, you will be having flexible timings and enough time to do your work. Rarely you will not have enough time to do your work. But in startup its vice versa. You will not have enough time to do your task. Because within the allocated time you have to learn that technology, if any error comes up you have to solve by yourself . Rarley you will have flexible timings.

Which one is more important ? Earning or Learning ? Once you learnt a lot you can switch over to some MNC where you can earn double. Cant we implement both at a time ? We should identify the things about what we are interested in. We can learn by ourself of what we interested in and at the same time we can earn also. Simply earning without learning and simply learning without earning , both are not good.

Earning with Learning is always best.

I have discussed my points here. Please feel free to share and discuss your points.